Morun 2020

Movember Run


Movember 25th

Inspiration for a Movember moustache

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  • By Bertram Welink
  • Posted in tips
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Inspiration for a Movember moustache

Today is the 12th day of our Movember month and that's about time to update you on all the possible moustache styles out there. Feel inspired and grow your perfect mo!

Today is the 12th day of our Movember month and that's about time to update you on all the possible moustache styles out there. Feel inspired and grow your perfect mo!

The pencil



This one is a very classic mo, and has been worn by Cary Grant and Clark Gable back in the day. In modern days, we see the pencil a lot less. Probably Orlanda Bloom's moustache is the best known pencil these days.


In order to wear the pencil you will need to use a single blade razor or wax to achieve ultimate precision. Remember that there should be skin between your lip and your moustache, or you'll look like you're wearing lip liner!




This one can make you look like a very scary dude, or a very cool pirate (or both). It's a viable option for guys who can grow upper lip and chin hair but have difficulty sprouting hair on their cheeks.


Begin by thinning out your moustache using barber’s scissors or an electric trimmer specifically designed to tackle facial hair. Over the next four weeks, as the hair on your chin becomes thicker, you can progressively reduce the amount of trimming you do on your upper lip. Do continue, however, to use a sharp wet razor to keep your cheeks and neck fuzz free.






Made popular by modern cowboys, the horseshoe moustache, with its long, vertical extensions down the sides of the mouth, looks like, well, a horseshoe turned upside down. You may not be able to grow a full horseshoe before the end of the month though, so do get to know your facial hair growth before starting a risky venture like the horseshoe!


Painter's Brush


The Painter's Brush is the most popular and easiest to grow moustache. If you didn't really think of any mo styles, you will probably inadvertently grow the Painter's Brush. All it requires in the way of maintenance is a regular shave and the occasional use of a moustache trimming tool for more obsessive personalities.



Give me more…


If you can't get enough of moustache styles, have a look at these facial hair types. Just keep in mind that they are not all allowed by the official Movember committee (a beard is not a moustache signori!), so grow your mo responsibly!



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